From data to decision-making

For more than 10 years, I have helped companies make decisions based on data rather than gut.

I specialise in making complex issues easier to understand for those using data in everyday decision-making.

Data will never replace people – but I will help you understand your data, so you can become even more efficient and make better and more qualified decisions.

Extensive experience with the entire data process

I can solve almost everything within the Microsoft BI stack, and I have broad experience with the entire data process.

As a former BI consultant for one of the largest consulting companies in the consulting industry, and as an independent consultant, I have worked with some of the most well-established manufacturing companies in Denmark and abroad – helping them with everything from Power BI to DAX programming and complete BI solutions in Excel and SQL.

Business Intelligence

Classic business intelligence is all about viewing historical data and finding possible explanations for sales fluctuations, stock turnover, quality, etc.

Data science

Data science deals with forecasting and predictive modelling. Using historical data, and possibly real-time data, I can help you work out precise statistical models that will give you a qualified estimate of the future.

Management reporting

Automated management reporting will save you many hours each month, allowing you to spend your time analysing results and making the right decisions rather than struggling with technical issues.

Teaching & training

To me, BI and data science is just as much about people as it is about data. Therefore, I teach employees and managers how to use data in practice to support their work.


My name is Stinna, and I am a professional data juggler. 

Instead of objects, I juggle math, modelling and programming. I help companies use data to create a basis for decision-making that goes beyond gut feeling. 

My background in supply chain management gives me a unique foundation for understanding the concepts and structures of your business.

Datajuggler Stinne junglerer

The number of digits of pi – or π, which I have tattooed on my right forearm.

The number of years I have spent specialising in data science and business intelligence.

The year I qualified for the Danish championship in Excel.

Fewer misunderstandings – better results

Unlike other BI consultants, I have been on the other side of the table and have hands-on experience with production planning and supply chain management. Therefore, I know exactly what questions to ask to find the most ideal solution for your company.

This ensures the smoothest process as well as the best foundation for our cooperation.


Everything BI

As an IT and data consultant, I make everything from sales forecasts to cluster analyses and customer behaviour analyses. Do you need to structure or model data from your ERP system, allowing you to speed up the data analysis process? Or maybe you need to make sure your existing data warehouse is GDPR compliant? No problem.

A good solution does not always have to be a costly investment in brand-new BI tools. I have made great solutions in Excel.


Guidance and assistance based on practical experience

With a Bachelor of Engineering (global management and manufacturing) and an MSc in Engineering (transportation and logistics), I understand your business and know what questions to ask. 

As a former process developer in a supply chain organisation, I have developed forecast models, and I have participated in stocktaking and acted as an ERP superuser.

To put it shortly: I have the best and most diverse background to help you streamline your processes and help you become more data-driven.


Translating data for everyday use

My passion is the complex – and I truly enjoy making the complex easier to understand for everyone. To me, math, modelling and programming are tools that we can all use to make better decisions.

That is why I enjoy teaching you how to make the most of your data analyses and reach the right conclusions. I use my flair for teaching during my workday and when I teach BI and data science at Kursusfabrikken.

What do my clients say?


… We are now able to measure KPI’s such as scheduling productivity within our projects. Furthermore, we are now able to identify deficits in manning that can trigger resource loading before it is too late.
Stinna is definitely an effective communicator, analytic and technically gifted. She is the perfect solution for any business that needs to implement tools to increase operational performance

– Luke Kellgren-Parker, Project Director – Pure Salmon Kaldnes AS